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Music  Design  for  Dreams

More than music ...

a memorable experience ...

Can you remember a song that made an impact on your life ?


  a track recalling good memories ...




when listening to it, all the past is brought back to life ...

you remember the place, the people,

the fragrance, the emotions ...




Music is part of our lives. It influences our thoughts, the way we act and how we see the world. Therefore, music design in your venue has a direct impact on the perception of your brand. It plays a major part in the relationship you maintain with your clients.



A tailored top of the range product :


Magnetic offers light high-end captivating sequences ... true musical gems intended to arouse emotions, enhance the beauty of the site, and the quality of the product, for asuccessful customer loyalty.


We propose to guide your guests through a unique audio experience thanks to our 300.000 references catalogue which consists of all styles of music, tempo, cultures and periods.


According to the environment, time of day, activity and type of clientele, you will communicate the conscious and unconscious perception of your brand. The diversity of our sequences will enable you to highlight the individual nature and quality of your property and services.


Your guests will be enchanted by our subtle melodies which will attract them to your brand. You will love our tailored concept and our pricing. Your team will thank you for choosing a system broadcasting different sequences everyday.



But music design doesn't stop here for us ...


Because your staff participate in your  soundscape, they will  understand the music and be able to advise your guests in the sales of derived products.  eg  buying the CD from the massage that has just been performed to take back home.


Beyond adding a soundtrack to your business, we sell the artists you broadcast. We supply CDs for sale to your guests. The sale of 10 of these CDs covers the cost of an OCAST player  monthly rental.  Music design could not cost you anything 




We look forward to hearing from you soon !

Thanks for your visit ! we will answer your request shortly.

Ocean shop - Royal Road - Bel Air          Mauritius

+ 230 52 54 66 44

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