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listen to your venue ...

like you have never heard before.

How much time is wasted changing CDs

and adjusting the volume all day long ?


How many CDs do you have to replace due to scratching ?


Do all the tracks from 1 CD correspond to your brand ?


How much time is spent sourcing new music ?


Are your customers bored with listening to the same music ?



Our " Human and Friendly " concept makes the difference !



Our concept is different to similar services currently on the market, which are centralized and complicated systems. We made the active decision to implement user friendly equipment which can be individually operated, as opposed to centrally managed and operated. Finally we don't underestimate the role staff play in delivering outstanding customer service.


Understanding your brand specifications, we enable your area manager the flexibility to adapt the sequences according to the requirements of the moment. For example, a freak change in weather conditions may require a more uplifting sequence.  This flexibility extends to members of staff being able to comprise their own playlist.


In our experience, we have found members of staff are more engaged in performing their jobs when our system has been installed.


The "Magnetic experience" includes our coach spending 3 hours with each team to explain the functions  of our OCAST equipment and to give them the keys to a successful soundscape. From your continuous feedback, we will streamline the system to perfection.


Don't let selecting music be a stressful experience. Staff who are able to contribute and design their own working environments are naturally more motivated to perform their roles to the best of their abilities. How would you consider a barman, who, when seeing a couple entering the bar, changes the music program to a title he knows the lovers heard on their first date ? Is this someone motivated in their job who is happy to go above and beyond ? 




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